Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Umzug Durchschnitt Von Sbi

SBI Securities Stock Trading, Demat, Brokerage und Reviews 2017 SBICAP Securities Ltd (SSL) ist eine 100 Tochtergesellschaft der SBI Capital Markets Ltd. Die von SBICAP angebotenen Dienstleistungen umfassen das Equity-, Retail-Equity-, Derivatives-, Broking-, Depot-Service und E-Broking. Sie bieten auch Online-Handelsprodukt an Investoren Händler. Das Portal erlaubt sowohl Resident-Indianern als auch Nicht-Resident-Indern (NRIs), in Equity, Derivatives, Mutual Funds, IPOs über den Online-Kanal zu investieren. SSLs Online-Handelsplattform wird von einer robusten Handelsmaschine angetrieben. SSL ist bei der Securities Exchange Board of India registriert. SBICAP Securities (SSL) bietet Share Trading mit eZ-tradesbi. Dies verbindet alle Ihre drei Konten i. e. Bankkonto, Demat Account und Trading Account zusammen. 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Die Gesamtzahl der Beschwerde gegen den Makler an der angegebenen Börse erhalten Nützliche Links zu SBI Securities SBICAP Securities Website. Sbismart sbicapsec E-Mail. Helpdesksbicapsec Telefon. 022-30273300 gebührenfrei. 1800-209-9345 (Private Telekom-Nutzer) 1800-22-3345 (MTNL BSNL Benutzer Vergleich von SBI-Wertpapieren mit beliebten Brokern in Indien SBICAP Securities Ltd Bewertungen Post New Message Rate SBI Securities Sbi nimmt keine Chrge keine fügen Sie Mittel zu Ihrem dmat Konto hinzu. Dies ist der größte Pluspunkt, Brakerage-Gebühren sind sehr hoch. in intraday .10 Paisa-Marge Ich habe Verlust, bitte reduzieren Sie die Gebühren sonst werde ich mein Konto schließen SEHR WORST ERFAHRUNG, SIE WERDEN SIE ZU ERREICHEN EINEN KONTO IST ERÖFFNET, DANN WAHRE FARBE ZEIGT KEINE UNTERSTÜTZUNG KEINE HELFEN ZU VERKAUFEN ODER KAUFEN REFEREN SIE JEDE DINGE AUF DIE WEBSEITE UND PDF DATEIEN Brokerage - sehr schlechte Account Wartungsgebühren - sehr schlechte Website Usability - sehr schlechter Kundenservice - sehr schlechte Gesamterfahrung - Sehr PoorBankExamsIndia Bank Jobs in Indien waren eine der gefragtesten Karriere-Option für eine lange Zeit bis zum Aufstieg der IT-Amp-Software-Unternehmen. Sie haben eine Änderung jetzt als Neulinge sind eifrig, Bank-Prüfungen zu schreiben, so dass sie für verschiedene kommen. Rekrutierungen im öffentlichen Sektor Banken. Daher veröffentlichen wir die Liste der kommenden B ank Exams amp Bank Jobs im Jahr 2017 zusammen mit anderen govt Prüfungen hier. Banken des öffentlichen Sektors stehen vor Konkurrenz von Privatbanken, haben bereits neue Filialen in ländlichen Amp-Semi-Stadtgebieten begonnen. Der Ruhestand in älteren Kader, govt. Banken werden jedes Jahr neue Leute rekrutieren. Wisst ihr, dass über 1,5 Crore-Kandidaten für Bankprüfungen von IBPS in den letzten 3 Jahren vermittelt wurden, wurden im vergangenen Jahr 68.000 Offene Stellen (ca.) in indischen Banken ausgefüllt. Der folgende Artikel wird Ihnen helfen, leicht zu navigieren durch Es scheint, gibt es keine bessere Zeit als jetzt für staatliche Arbeitsplätze in Indien als mehr Banken-Versicherung Organisationen kommen mit einer großen Anzahl von jobs. The neuesten, um diese Liste beitreten ist New India Assurance Company Ltd (NIACL) Rekrutierung 2017 Benachrichtigung für Assistant Beiträge. New India Assurance Co Ltd gegründet 1919 ist ein voll besetzter Marktführer im Non-Life-Geschäft seit mehr als 40 Jahren. Es funktioniert über alle indischen Staaten mit 2100 Filialen amp 19000 Mitarbeiter. Versicherungs-Assistent Job-Profil ist ähnlich wie bei einem Angestellten in Govt. Banken. Einige der Pflichten der Assistenten gehören Kundenbetreuung, Bereitstellung von Politik Details für Besucher, die Annahme von Prämien, regelmäßige Büroarbeit etc., Stellenangebote: Assistent 8211 984 Beiträge mit Gehalt von ca. Rs.23.000 Monat Diese Öffnungen sind über alle Staaten verteilt. Wait für die offizielle Benachrichtigung, um die genaue Trennung von offenen Stellen zu kennen. Termine zum Erinnern von 160 Online-Anmeldungsunterlagen vom 6. bis 29. März 2017 nur Prelims-Prüfung am 22. April 201, 2017 Hauptprüfung 8211 23. Mai 2017 Wer sind berechtigt Die Voraussetzungen für die Bewerbung um diese NIACL Assistants Rekrutierung 2017 ist ganz einfach amp Würde nicht jeden Aspiranten verwirren. Alter zwischen 18 8211 30yrs als am 30. Juni 2016 (3 Jahre für Obc, 5 Jahre für Scst) Sollte in jeder Disziplin Abschluss absolviert haben, wie am 30. Juni 2016 Lokale Sprachkenntnisse über den Staat, den Sie anwenden, ist notwendig. Sie brauchen NICHT IBPS Prüfung scores. Therefore jeder, der nicht einmal für IBPS Bank PO, Clerk Amp-Spezialisten Offiziere Prüfungen sind auch berechtigt, für diese Arbeitsplätze gelten. Wie man Ausgewählt erhält Die Auswahl für diese Assistent Beiträge in neue india Assurance Company ltd wird durch schriftliche Test-Ampere regionale Sprache Test. Sie müssen die folgenden Etappen für die endgültige Verabredung unterziehen Voruntersuchung Hauptprüfung Regionaler Sprache Test Nach den Ordnungen der indischen Regierung gibt es keine Interviews für Assistent Kader Positionen durchgeführt. Kandidaten, die sich in der Hauptprüfung qualifizieren, sind für den regionalen Sprachtest nominiert. Wo Ihre lokale Sprachkenntnisse getestet wird. Es kann Sie beinhalten, um eine Passage in der regionalen Sprache des Staates zu schreiben, für die Sie sich bewerben. Registrierungsschritte: Alle Interessenten bewerben sich auf newindia. co. in für die Online-Bewerbung amp füllen Sie ihre Details. Erhalten Sie, um Ihre Signatur Ampere neues Foto hochladen. Eine E-Mail-Amp-SMS, die Ihr vorläufiges Registrierungsnummer-Passwort enthält, wird gesendet, welches Sie für zukünftige Referenzen sicher bewahren müssen. Sie müssen einen Druck des System generierten Antragsformular amp e-receipt nehmen, da es während der Interviewphase gefragt werden konnte. Lesen Sie dies: Die offizielle Benachrichtigung über das Projekt der NIACL-Assistenten-Rekrutierung 2017 ist am 6. März verfügbar. Die Anzeige ist noch nicht auf ihrer Website hochgeladen. So warten wir bis zur 1. Woche im März 2017. Danke an Satish, um uns über diese bevorstehende Rekrutierung bei NIACL zu informieren. Die UPSC Indian Civil Services 2017 Exam wurde für die Rekrutierung an die höchsten amp prächtigen Arbeitsplätze in der Regierung 8211 IAS, IPS amp IFS bekannt. Am meisten populär bekannt unter den Menschen als IAS-Prüfungen, wird es auch als die Mutter aller Konkurrenzprüfungen angesehen In Indien. Wenn Sie nach Regierungsaufgaben streben, dann stellen Sie sicher, über die Zivildienstprüfungen amp zu wissen, wenn Sie berechtigt sind, sich zu bewerben. Abgesehen von IAS konnten ausgewählte Kandidaten auch in Polizeidienstleistungen, Auslandsdienst oder Forstdienst entsandt werden. Zusätzlich zu diesen können sie auch für Gruppen-A-Positionen in verschiedenen anderen Regierungsstellen rekrutiert werden. Zivildienst Beiträge amp Stellenangebote Die Anzahl der offenen Stellen, die durch die UPSC IAS Prüfung 2017 ausgefüllt werden sollen, wird voraussichtlich etwa 980 sein. Ausgewählte Kandidaten werden für die folgenden Dienstleistungen eingestellt. (I) Indischer Verwaltungsdienst (ii) Indischer Auswärtiger Dienst (iii) Indischer Polizeidienst (iv) Indischer P amp T Konten amp Finanzdienst, Gruppe 8216A8217. (V) Indischer Audit - und Kongressdienst, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Vi) Indian Revenue Service (Zoll und Zentralverbrauch), Gruppe 8216A8217. (Vii) Indian Defense Accounts Service, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Viii) Indian Revenue Service (I. T.), Gruppe 8216A8217. (Ix) Indian Ordnance Factory Service, Gruppe 8216A8217 (Assistant Works Manager). (X) Indischer Postdienst, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Gruppe A. (xiv) Indian Railway Personalservice, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xv) Post des Assistant Security Commissioner in der Eisenbahnschutz-Force, Gruppe 8216A8217 (xvi) indischen Verteidigungsgüter Service, Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xvii) Indischer Informationsdienst (Junior Grade), Gruppe 8216A8217. (Xviii) Indian Trade Service, Gruppe A (Gr. III). (Xix) indischer Gesellschaftsrecht Service, Group quotAquot. (Xx) Streitkräfte Hauptsitz Öffentlicher Dienst, Gruppe 8216B8217 (Sektion Officer8217s Grade). (Xxi) Delhi, Andaman amp Nicobar Inseln, Lakshadweep, Daman amp Diu und Dadra amp Nagar Haveli Polizei Service, Gruppe B. (xxiii) Pondicherry Zivildienst, Gruppe B. (xxiv) Pondicherry Polizeidienststelle, Gruppe 8216B8217. Wichtige Termine Letzter Termin für Online-Bewerbungen 8211 17. März 2017 Vorprüfung 8211 18. Juni 2017 Hauptprüfung 8211 Oktober 2017 Hinweis. Die aktuelle Registrierung ist für Prelims Prüfung nur. Once die Ergebnisse sind deklariert, müssen erfolgreiche Kandidaten für die Hauptprüfung separat registrieren, die später aktiviert werden würde. Civil Service Exams 2017: Wer sind berechtigt Die Voraussetzungen für die Bewerbung für diese UPSC-Prüfungen sind ziemlich einfach. Es kann sein, weil die Leistung in Prelims amp Hauptprüfungen mehr Gewicht mehr als Grad markiert gegeben werden. Agelimit: Minimum 21 Jahre amp Maximal 32 Jahre, wie am 1. August 2017 (Alter entspannt bis 5 Jahre für SCST, 3 Jahre für OBC) Sollte in irgendeinem Grad passiert haben Diejenigen, die derzeit im letzten Jahr sind, können sich auch bewerben, müssen aber produzieren Beweis für den Abschluss des Grades, während er für die Hauptprüfungen erscheint. Wenn nicht, würden sie disqualifiziert werden. Anzahl der Versuche: Alle Kandidaten dürfen an der Zivildienstprüfung für 6 Versuche teilnehmen (Chancen). Während die Anzahl der Chancen 9 für OBC ist, gibt es keine Beschränkung im Falle von SC ST Antragsteller. Prüfungsprozess Die UPSC zivile Dienstleistungsprüfung besteht aus vorläufigen amp Hauptprüfung. Alle förderungswürdigen Bewerber müssen für Prelims Test auch als CSAT Prüfung auftreten erscheinen. Kandidaten, die sich in CSAT (Prelims) qualifizieren, können für die Hauptprüfung erscheinen, die im Dezember 2016 stattfinden wird. Über CSAT (Prelims) Pattern: Für insgesamt 400 Mark hat es 2 Papiere (objekttyp) Paper 1 (General Studies) 8211 200 Mark Papier 2 (Eignungsprüfung) 8211 200 Mark. Bücher für Prelims: Hier sind die beliebtesten amp besten Bücher, um Ihnen bei der Vorbereitung auf UPSC Zivildienst Prelims Prüfung helfen. UPSC Civil Services Online-Kurs 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um für Rs.2999 zu kaufen CSAT General Studies (Papier I) - Klicken Sie hier, um online für Rs.745 zu kaufen CSAT Paper II Guide -160 Klicken Sie hier, um online für Rs.489 zu kaufen 22 Jahre UPSC General Studies Solved Papers (1995 bis 2016) 8211 Jetzt kaufen für Rs.179 Die oben genannten Guides werden nach UPSC Syllabus amp Abdeckung alle notwendigen Themen vorbereitet. Anmeldung amp Gebühren Kandidaten sind verpflichtet, sich online nur über die Website upsconline. nic. in only. Remember, um alle erforderlichen Details für zivile Dienste (Prelims) Prüfung, da es keine Möglichkeit, es später zu ändern. Um Ihre Bewerbung erfolgreich registrieren zu können, sollte Rs.100 als Gebühr bezahlt werden. Alle Frauen, SC ST PH Kandidaten sind völlig von der Zahlung der Gebühren befreit. Dieser Betrag kann auf eine der folgenden Arten bezahlt werden: Verwendung von Debit-Kreditkarten ODER Durch die Einzahlung von Bargeld in jedem Zweig der SBI ODER Durch die Verwendung von Net Banking von SBI State Bank von Bikaner amp Jaipur State Bank von Hyderabad State Bank of Mysore State Bank von Patiala State Bank of Travancore Hinweis: Sie können keine Netbanking-Einrichtung von anderen Banken verwenden. Diejenigen, die sich dafür entscheiden, mit dem Bargeld zu bezahlen, sollten das System generiert haben, das bei der Teil II-Anmeldung am Ende des Eintrages ausgegeben wird. Die Gebühr an jedem SBI-Zweig am nächsten Werktag abgeben. Download Hinweis: Wenn Sie sich für die UPSC-Zivildienst-2017-Prüfung anmelden möchten, laden Sie die offizielle Benachrichtigung von der Website hier herunter (.pdf) Die Online-Bewerbungslinks können durch den Link hier abgerufen werden. Sobald die SBI PO Rekrutierung angekündigt wird, sind viele Zweifel kommen in den Köpfen der Kandidaten auf. Der größte von ihnen wird alles sein 8211 Was werden die SBI PO 2017 cutoffs sein. Auch wenn die Prüfungen noch nicht durchgeführt werden, fragen die Aspiranten diese Frage jedes Mal. So stellen wir Ihnen SBI PO im Vorjahr Abschlüsse zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen würden, sich entsprechend für SBI PO vorzubereiten. Die SBI PO 2017 Rekrutierungsmeldung beschreibt die schriftliche Prüfung in zwei Phasen 8211 Vorrunde Main. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Konkurrenz werden Bankprüfungen in Stufen gehalten, um Talent auf der Grundlage von marks. SBI mit seinem riesigen Markenwert zu filtern, wird auch eine große Anzahl von Anwendungen sehen. SBI PO Prelims Cutoffs Alle berechtigten Kandidaten sollten für die SBI PO Prelims erscheinen, die ein Online-Test für 1 Stunde ist. Die Muster von 2015 Amps 2016 Vorprüfungen sind ähnlich wie SBI PO 2017 Sectional Cutoffs. Also hier sind die SBI PO Prelims Vorjahr 2015 Amps 2016 Cutoffs für jede Kategorie Ampere Abschnitt: Total Cutoffs: Abgesehen von abschnittsweise Cutoffs gibt es Cutoffs auf Ihre Gesamtmarken auch. Die SBI PO prelims insgesamt cutoffs für Jahre 2016 amp 2015 Sind unten angegeben: Es gibt 0,25 negative Markierungen für jede falsche Antwort in diesen objektiven Tests. Keine Markierung wird reduziert, wenn Sie eine Frage unbeantwortet lassen. Checkout der SBI-PO-Hauptprüfung Vorjahresabschlüsse, um die von SBI festgelegten Noten in jedem Abschnitt amp auf Gesamtmarken für Hauptuntersuchungen zu kennen. SBI PO Prelims Cutoffs: Wichtige Punkte Inorder, um glatte Amps zu segeln, werden für Hauptprüfungen in die engere Wahl eingeladen, hier sind nur wenige wichtige Dinge, die du über SBI PO vorläufige Cutoffs verstehen musst. Sie müssen die Mindestqualifizierungszeichen (Cutoffs) in jedem der 3 Sektionsverstärker auch auf Gesamtmarken sichern. Auch wenn Sie nicht die notwendigen Cutoff Scores in einem 1 Abschnitt haben ODER Ihre Gesamtpunktzahl ist nicht über dem gesamten Cutoff, werden Sie nicht qualifizieren. Es gibt keine Warteliste für den vorläufigen Test Die SBI PO Voruntersuchung ist nur ein Screening-Test, nur für qualifizierende Zwecke nur. Diese Scores werden nicht in der letzten Abschnitt Phase berücksichtigt werden. Aber nur diejenigen, die in der Reihenfolge des Verdienstes nach ihren Vorwahlen zählen, werden für die Hauptuntersuchung eingeschränkt. So nehmen Sie es nicht leicht. SBI PO Exam Books amp Kurse: Welches sind die billig amp besten SBI PO Bücher Online Kurse Ihre Frage wird über diese Liste beantwortet: SBI PO Prelims Exam Guide 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um online zu kaufen für Rs.199 160 (mit dem Vorjahr gelöste Papiere ) SBI PO Prelims Practice Workbook 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um online zu kaufen für Rs.119 160 (20 Papiere) SBI PO Online Video Kurs Lernen Sie von zu Hause 8211 Klicken Sie hier für Rs.2499 kaufen 50 Angebotspreis bis zum 5. März nur Final Cutoffs: Nach Abschluss In all diesen Stadien werden die endgültigen Abgrenzungen wie folgt erreicht: Markierungen, die in der Hauptprüfung (250 Mark) gesichert sind, werden in 75 GD Ampere umgewandelt. Interviewmarken (von 50) werden in 25 umgewandelt. Die endgültige Verdienstliste für jede Kategorie wird dann vorbereitet Für insgesamt 100 Mark, auf der Grundlage der endgültigen Termin der Kandidaten abgeschlossen sind. SBI PO 2017: Änderungen an der Note Nach dem Betrachten der vorherigen SBI-PO-Cutoffs, erwarten Sie nicht das gleiche in diesem Jahr, weil die Bank hatte Änderungen im Prüfungsmuster von 2016 eingeführt. Einige Highlights der modifizierten Untersuchungsstruktur sind: Sektionale Zeitlimit ist auferlegt, Innerhalb derer du diesen spezifischen Abschnitt beantworten musst. Die Gesamtmarken für jedes Papier werden ebenfalls erhöht. General Awareness Abschnitt gehören Fragen aus Wirtschaft Ampere Banken Bewusstsein. Daher können Sie erwarten, dass die SBI PO 2017 Cutoffs aufgrund dieser neuen Änderungen leicht variieren. Für Details zur Teilnahmeberechtigung, Auswahlen amp Anmeldungen, Kasse unser ausführlicher Artikel über SBI PO 2017 Rekrutierungsmitteilung amp für letztes Jahr SBI PO Prüfungen, besuche SBI PO prelims cutoffs SBI PO Exam Books amp Kurse: Welches sind die billig amp besten SBI PO Bücher online Kurse Ihre Frage wird über diese Liste beantwortet: SBI PO Prelims Exam Guide 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um online für Rs.199 160 zu kaufen (mit dem Vorjahr gelöste Papiere) SBI PO Prelims Practice Workbook 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um online für Rs.119 160 zu kaufen (20 Papiere) SBI PO Online Video Kurs Lernen Sie von zu Hause aus 8211 Klicken Sie hier, um für Rs.2499 zu kaufen 50 Angebotspreis bis zum 5. März nur Bundesbank, eine der großen Privatbanken mit Hauptsitz in Kerala hat angekündigt Rekrutierung von Probationary Officers (PO ). Die 1931 gegründete Bank arbeitet derzeit mit 1252 Filialen, die sich über 24 indische Staaten verteilen. Sie haben auch kürzlich Repräsentanzen in den VAE eröffnet. Der indische Bankensektor brummt mit Aktivitätsverstärkern in einem Umzug, um neue Unternehmen zu gewinnen, die starken Konkurrenz vermarkten, sie sind gezwungen, fortgeschrittene Einrichtungen an Kunden zu bringen. Es ist der Grund, warum sehen große Anzahl von Rekrutierungen in öffentlichen Amps Privatbanken in den letzten Jahren. Federal Bank PO Rekrutierung 2017 Benachrichtigung ist eine solche Ankündigung, das ist sicher, einige Aufregung unter Bank Job Aspiranten zu schaffen. Post-Pokal: Probationary Officer (Anzahl der offenen Stellen) Der Payscale für PO ist Rs.23.700 8211 42.020 abgesehen von DA, HRA, CCA amp andere Zulagen Vorteile. Während die Gesamtbezüge für einen Offizier in Cochin gebucht ist Rs.8.04 Lakhs , Die Bundesbank nach Hause Gehalt ist Rs.43.000 Monat (ca.) Termine zu beachten: Online-Anmeldung Anmeldung von Febraury 18 bis 28, 2017 Online-schriftliche Prüfung am 11. März 2017 Wer sind berechtigt Für Sie, sich für die Bundesbank zu bewerben Rekrutierung, ist es notwendig, die folgenden Förderfähigkeit Bedingungen erfüllen: Alter nicht über 28yrs sein. Wie am 1.1.2017 Muss 60 in UG-Grad amp bestanden CAIIB-Zertifizierung von Indian Institute of Banking amp Finanzen ODER 55 in PG Grad, wie am 1. Januar 2017 1 Jahr Erfahrung in klerikalen Offizier Kader in jeder kommerziellen Bank Bewerber müssen nicht besitzen IBPS Prüfung Punkte, wie dies ist ein Privatsektor Bank Rekrutierung. So auch diejenigen, die nicht in der letzten IBPS-PO-Prüfung qualifizieren können, sind berechtigt zu bewerben. Keine Entspannung im Alter für alle Kategorien (OBC, SC amp ST) Selektionsprozess: Das Auswahlverfahren beinhaltet Aptitude Test, Gruppen-Diskussion amp Personal Interview. Der Online-Test von 150 Mark wird für 90 Minuten in folgendem Muster gehalten: Während dort Wäre für jede falsche Antwort negative Noten von 0,25, die Qualifikationsmarken in jedem Abschnitt werden von der Bank auf der Grundlage der Leistung aller Kandidaten beschlossen. Nur die Shortlist-Kandidaten aus dem Online-Test werden zur Gruppendiskussion amp persönliches Interview aufgerufen. Schritte zu beantragen: Bewerbungsgebühren von Rs.700 amp Rs.350 (SCST) sollten online über ein Zahlungs-Gateway bezahlt werden, das mit dem Online-Bewerbungsformular integriert ist. Die Bezahlung muss vor dem 28. Februar 2017 erfolgen. Verweis: Kandidaten, die sich für die Beantragung der Federal Bank PO Rekrutierung 2017 interessieren, können die Benachrichtigung von der Bank Website hier herunterladen. 160 (pdf) Die Bundesbank Clerk Recruitment 2017 Benachrichtigung ist die letzte Ankündigung von einem der Große private Sektor Bank in Südindien. Headquartered in Kerala, wurde die Bank im Jahr 1931 amp ist derzeit in 24 indischen Staaten mit 1252 Filialen präsentiert. Die letzten paar Jahre waren ziemlich beschäftigt für den indischen Bankensektor, da ein massiver Wettbewerb unter den öffentlichen Amps Privatbanken gesehen wird, um ein neues Geschäft zu gewinnen. Aufgrund dieser Wirkung wird eine große Anzahl von Rekrutierungen in öffentlichen Amps Privatbanken angekündigt. Die Rekrutierung von Angestellten in der Bundesbank ist ein solches Ereignis. Posts amp Ort: Clerk (Anzahl der offenen Stellen) Offene Stellen sind in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu und Telangana auszufüllen. Termine zu wissen: Online-Bewerbung schließt am 21. Februar 2017 Wer sind berechtigt Für die Bewerbung unter Bundesbank Schreiber Rekrutierung 2017, die Befriedigung der unten Bedingungen sind notwendig. Agelimit: Nicht über 24 Jahre wie am 1.11.2016 Abschluss in jeglicher Disziplin mit 55 Mark (für Engineering amp Science Absolventen) amp 50 (für Arts, Science amp Management grads) Muss auch 60 Mark in SSC (Std. X) amp std haben. XII (2) Prüfungen Es gibt keine Entspannung im Alter für alle Kategorien, einschließlich OBC, SC amp ST. Selektionsprozess: Die Bundesbank wird voraussichtlich in einem geeigneten Muster einen Online-Test für berechtigte Bewerber durchführen. Die genauen Details der Prüfungsstruktur werden später angedeutet. Die Kandidaten müssen ihr bevorzugtes Testzentrum aus den Orten wie: Belgaum, Bhubaneswar, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Kolhapur, Kota, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Mumbai, Salem, Surat, Vijayawada wählen. Gebühren amp Anmeldung: Anmeldegebühren von Rs.400 amp Rs.200 (SCST) sollten online über ein mit dem Online-Bewerbungsformular integriertes Zahlungs-Gateway bezahlt werden. Die Bezahlung muss vor dem 21. Februar 2017 erfolgen. Verweis: Kandidaten, die sich für die Beantragung der Bundesbankschreiberrekrutierung interessieren, können mehr über diese Einstellungsveranstaltung lesen, die von der Bank-Website online angewendet werden. Angesichts einer Chance würden viele Leute im privaten Sektor betrachten Umschalten zu Govt Arbeitsplätze in Indien zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. With SSC-Prüfung Kalender Zeitplan für 2017 amp 2018 aus, die auf der Suche nach Bank Jobs oder govt Arbeitsplätze sind sicher, aufgeregt zu werden. Um Ihre Karriere in der Regierung zu starten, muss eine Person zu qualifizieren In Prüfungen von SSC durchgeführt. Don8217t wissen über es Dann lesen Sie weiter wissen, was diese Tests sind amp ihre Zeitplan. Personalauswahlkommission (SSC) ist die Organisation, die anvertraut ist, Rekrutierungen für Arbeitsplätze durchzuführen, die unter die Gruppen B, C, D, Verteidigungsdienste usw. fallen. Die Stellenangebote bestehen in verschiedenen Ministerien der Zentralregierungsorganisationen. SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Prüfung ist einer der sehr beliebten Test, der von Staff Commission durchgeführt wird, die Sie bereits wissen könnte. Aber viele andere Prüfungen werden von SSC gehalten, die auch zu Ihrem Traum govt Arbeitsplätze führen. SSC-Prüfungspläne 2017-18 Wenn Sie oder irgendwelche von Ihrem Freund schauen, um für govt Jobs im Jahre 2017 zu erscheinen, dann ist dieses SSC Prüfungskalender nützlich. Name der Prüfung SI in CAPFs, ASI in CISF amp SI in Delhi Polizei-Prüfung -2017 (Paper-I) 28. Januar 2017 Mai 15 8211 22, 2017 SSC CGL 2017 (Tier I) 19. Juni 8211 2. Juli 2017 Kombinierte Jr. Hindi-Übersetzer im Unterhaus CSOL Hindi Pradhyapak Exam 2017 Stenograph Grade 8216C8217 amp 8216D8217 Exam 2017 SSC CGL 2017 (Tier-II) September 5 82118, 2017 SI in CAPFs, ASI in CISF-Verstärker SI in Delhi Polizei-Prüfung -2017 (Paper-II) SSC CGL 2017 (Tier-III) 12. November 2017 SSC CHSL 2017 Prüfungsstufe I: Nov 17 821120, Tier II: 15. April 2017 SSC CGL 2017 (Tier-IV) Multi-Tasking (Non-Tech) Mitarbeiterprüfung 2016 (Paper - II) 17. Dezember 2017 SSC JE-Prüfung 2017 9. September 2017 Papier I: Jan 5 8211 7, Papier 2: 1. April 2018 SSC CHSL 2017 Prüfung Die wichtigsten Prüfungen, die Sie beachten sollten, sind: SSC CGL 2017 Benachrichtigung ( Kombinierte Absolventenstufe) wird am 11. März 2017 veröffentlicht. SSC CHSL 2017 Benachrichtigung (kombinierte höhere Sekundarstufe) würde am 5. August 2017 veröffentlicht werden. SSC Stenografen (Grad C amp D) Prüfungsmitteilung ist am 7. Juni 2017 freizugeben Insgesamt konnten rund 25.000 8211 30.000 Leerstände in Regierungsbüros durch all diese SSC-Prüfungen gefüllt werden, was recht groß ist. Lesen Sie hier: Dieser SSC-Prüfungskalender 2017-18 pdf-Download steht auf ihrer offiziellen Website auf ihrer Webseite zur Verfügung 160 SSC Jobs: Was können Sie bewerben Nachdem Sie die Rekrutierungstermine bekannt gemacht haben, wird die nächste Frage in Ihrem Kopf 8211 sein. Welche Jobs stehen für Qualifikationen dieser Prüfungen zur Verfügung. Auf der Grundlage des Vorjahres haben wir eine Liste von Beiträgen erstellt, die regelmäßig durch wettbewerbsfähige Prüfungen von SSC gemeldet werden . Unterabteilungsschreiber Klasse 8220C8221 und Besoldungsgruppe 8216D8221 Stenografen Assistenten in den verschiedenen MinisterienDepartments (Govt. Of India) Inspektoren im zentralen Verbrauchstempel Einkommenssteuer-Unterinspektoren in CBI - und Zentralkolizei-Organisationen Junior-Ingenieure in CPWD Statistical Investigators Section Officer in der indischen Audit und Buchhaltung, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfer unter dem Amt für Comptroller und Auditor General of India und anderen Konten Abteilungen Steuer Assistent (Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) amp Central Board of Excise und Zoll) Keine Interviews: Wie Sie sehen können, die Kommission kündigt vor allem Rekrutierungsprüfungen für Gruppe B, C amp D Kader Positionen in verschiedenen Ministerien depts. Der indischen Regierung. So wird der endgültige Termin für die oben genannten Beiträge auf Ihren Partituren nur in schriftlichen Prüfungen basieren. Es wurden keine Interviews durchgeführt. Bank Jobs vs. SSC Jobs: Infact, gibt es nichts namens SSC Jobs seit SSC ist nur eine Organisation wie IBPS, die freie Stellen in Govt füllt. Abteilungen durch jeweiliges Auswahlverfahren. Incase, wenn Sie vergleichen möchten, sollte es nur als Bank Jobs VS govt Arbeitsplätze gefüllt durch SSC genommen werden. Aber seit 60.000 Banken Arbeitsplätze wurden im vergangenen Jahr in öffentlichen Banken in ganz Indien geschaffen, ist der Vergleich unvermeidlich. Sind Gehälter in Bank Jobs amp govt Arbeitsplätze gleich 8211 ist ein weiterer Zweifel, dass scheint zu verfolgen viele Jugendliche auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten in Govt Sektor. Um es zu beantworten, hier ist ein schneller Vergleich - so kann jeder verstehen, amp Nutzen: Bankangestellte don8217t kommen unter die Regierung Lohn-Gehälter direkt, obwohl Banken im Besitz von Govt sind. Von Indien Gehaltserhöhungen Lohnrevisionen werden von der Regierung nach einer Lohnkommission angekündigt. Sie sind nur für diejenigen, die direkt von ihnen angewendet werden, nicht für die in öffentlichen Banken gemeint. Die Gehälter für Bankangestellte werden zwischen dem Management, den Arbeitnehmerverbänden amp Regierungsbeamten einmal alle 3 Jahre ausgehandelt. Das Gehaltsbeitrag kann im Jahr 2017 ansteigen. Da die Gespräche bald beginnen werden. Dies ist der Grund für regelmäßige Streiks von Bankangestellten. Die Mitarbeiter in einer Bank müssen sich täglich mit den Kunden beschäftigen, während es sich nicht um eine Notwendigkeit in anderen Regierungsaufträgen handelt (außer wenige depts). Schließlich können Bankaufträge nicht mit denen verglichen werden, die durch SSC als ihre Profile gefüllt werden, die Verantwortungsverantwortlichen sind völlig anders. Wir glauben, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen einen Überblick über die bevorstehenden SSC-Prüfungen im Jahr 2017 gegeben hat, welche Art von Govt-Jobs gefüllt werden sollen, während auch einige Ihrer langjährigen Zweifel beantwortet werden. Die IBPS SO Exam 2016 Ergebnisse wurden als admist viel Erwartungen deklariert. Die Prüfung wurde im Rahmen der Rekrutierung von Specialist Officer Positionen in öffentlichen Banken durchgeführt. Abgesehen von PO amp Clerk Arbeitsplätze, Spezialist Offizier ist auch einer der begehrtesten vor allem unter Professionelle Absolventen. Im Rahmen der üblichen schriftlichen Prüfungen für die Beamtenbeamten, hat die IBPS einen ähnlichen Test für Fachbeamte durchgeführt. Dementsprechend wurde die IBPS SO 2016 8211 2017 (IBPS SPL VI) im Monat November 2016 angekündigt. Amp Online-Prüfungen fanden am 28. Januar 29 2017 statt. IBPS SO Scores 8211 Überprüfen Sie Ihre Online-Prüfungen wurden für gehalten, um 4000 Facharzt Offene Stellen über 20 govt Besitzbanken zu füllen. Sie sind in IT-Offizier, Landwirtschaft Feldoffizier, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Rechtsbeauftragte, Personalleiter Offizier Marketing Marketing Officer kategorisiert. Während die Testergebnisse im Monat Februar 2017 angekündigt wurden, konnten die Kandidaten ihren Status erst während dieser Zeit nicht sehen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Markierungen: IBPS hat nun den Link aktiviert, um Ihre Punkte in einzelnen Abschnitten zu sehen, die Ihren Klassen auf Ihrer Webseite entsprechen (bis 31. März 2017 verfügbar) IBPS SO 2016 Cutoff Scores Die IBPS SO 2016 Gesamtsumme Amps Cutoffs Der Kandidaten sind noch nicht aufgedeckt. Es würde offiziell von IBPS nach Abschluss der Interviews veröffentlicht werden, zusammen mit Zuteilungsaufträgen. Aber wie in den vergangenen Jahren werden Cutoffs in zwei Stufen angewendet: Individueller Testabschnitt Professionelle Wissensbewertung So, wenn ein Kandidat die Qualifikationsnote in allen Bereichen gesichert hat, aber den Cutoff in professionellen Wissensabschnitten nicht überschritten hat, wird er in der SO als fehlgeschlagen erklärt Prüfung. Hinweis: Alle Abschnitte abgesehen von Professional Knowledge sind nur für qualifizierende Zwecke. 160 Interviews im März Mit dem IBPS SPL VI Prüfungsergebnisse freigegeben werden 8211 ausgewählte Kandidaten werden für die gemeinsame Interview-Prozess eingeladen werden. Es kann geplant werden, um in der 2. oder 3. Woche März 2017 starten. Basierend auf der gesamten kombinierten Score (Online-Test Interview), ist die Verdienstliste vorbereitet. So die endgültige Zuteilung sollte im Monat April 2017 passieren. Was ist Ihr IBPS SO Scores Welcher Abschnitt Sie abschrecken Alle, die sich auf Bank Jobs vorbereiten, sind in einem Gefühl der Aufregung nach dem Release von SBI PO 2017 Werbung. Während die Online-Registrierung Links zu beantragen, um 2300 offenen Stellen sind jetzt offen, viele von Ihnen finden Sie die Voraussetzungen Bedingungen zu verwirren, um zu entscheiden, ob Sie berechtigt sind oder nicht. Um Ihnen zu helfen, die Bedingungen für die SBI 2017 PO Rekrutierung besser zu verstehen, haben wir eine Liste von einigen Ihrer häufig gestellten Zweifel zusammengestellt. Wir haben ihnen auf eine ganz einfache Art und Weise geantwortet, so dass die meisten von euch es klar verstehen werden. Für eine einfache Navigation haben wir Ihre Abfragen unter den folgenden Abschnitten kategorisiert, auf die Sie klicken können, um mehr darüber zu erfahren: Qualifikationszweifel Bewerbungsbegleitung Zahlungsdrohungen Prüfungsbezogene Zweifel Klicken Sie auf die gewünschten Links, um direkt zu diesem Teil zu gelangen. Zulassungsqualifikationen Q. Ich bin 21 Jahre nur im Mai 2017.Schall ich bewerbe A. Nein. Die Altersgrenze für Bewerber beträgt 21 8211 30 Jahre, wie am 1. April 2017. Diejenigen, die am 01.04.2017 21 Jahre nicht erreicht haben, sind für diese SBI-PO-Rekrutierung nicht berechtigt. In einfacheren Worten sollte Ihr Geburtsdatum am 2. April 1987 amp 1. April 1996 Q sein. Ich habe nur 50 in grad. Can Ich registriere A. SBI hat keinen Mindestprozentsatz für die PO-Rekrutierung angegeben. Es ist genug für Kandidaten, um in Grad zu vergehen. So sind Sie berechtigt, auch mit 50 Mark in Grad zu bewerben. Q. Sind die letzten Semesterjahr Studenten erlaubt A. Ja. Studenten, die sich derzeit in ihrem letzten Jahr sem befinden, können sich auch bewerben. Aber sie müssen in der Lage sein, einen ordnungsgemäßen Nachweis über die bestandene Abschlussprüfung am oder vor dem 1. Juli 2017 zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews zu geben. Q: Werden alle Angestellten Rs.12.95 lakh Jahresgehalt bekommen A. Nein. Die Gesamtvergütung, die von SBI beworben wird, reicht von 7,93 Lakhs bis 12,95 Lakhs Jahr. Die Zulagen wie Hausvermietung Unterkunft, C. C.A, medizinische Ampere andere Vorteile. Einige dieser Zulagen werden nicht in bar mit Ihrem Gehalt bezahlt. Zum Beispiel bietet SBI Rs.8000 8211 20.000 als Haus Miete Zulage, die für jede Stadt unterscheidet, die direkt auf das Vermieter Konto gutgeschrieben wird Nach Abzug aller diese Vergünstigungen, die SBI PO salary (take home) could be approximately Rs.35,000-40,000 month Q . I completed my degree through distance education. Am I eligible A . Yes. Candidates who have completed graduation through correspondence part 8211time open university distance education may also apply. But the college university institute where you studied should be govt recognized. Q . Explain about the SBIs limit on chances A . State Bank of India has limited the number of chances for a candidate to apply for its PO recruitments. According to it, For example, if a general category candidate had appeared for 4 previous PO recruitments (from 18.04.2010) conducted by State Bank of India, then heshe cannot apply now. Incase you appeared for preliminary exam but did not qualify for mains, it WILL NOT be counted as a chance. Q: I had taken education personal credit home loan from another bank amp did not pay a single rupee. Am I eligible to apply A: As per the latest rule mentioned in SBI notification, candidates with record of default in repayment of loans amp credit card dues are not eligible for this PO recruitment. So if you have not regularly repaying the loan EMI, you are NOT eligible to apply. See no jobs in SBI for loan defaulters. where we had explained about this condition in detail. Payment Registration Related A . The registration fees must be paid through online mode, via Debit Credit card Netbanking only. The payment option is integrated along with the application form. So once you complete filling the personal details, proceed to pay the fees. Remember to take a print of the e-receipt on successful completion of transaction. A . Not required. There is no facility to pay the fees at SBI branches. All applicants should compulsorily remit the fees only through online payment. Q . Will I receive registration no. amp password by Email SMS A . After entering your personal details, an email sms containing your registration number amp password will be sent. Candidates are advised to save or write it in a place that you wont forget. These details are required to download your call letter amp view results as there is no facility to recover your registration number if you lose it. Q:I submitted the application with a mistake. Can I modify it or register again A: Once you submit the application, It is not possible to edit any details thereafter. But you can submit a new application with correct information by paying the registration fees again. SBI PO Exam Related Q: Is SBI PO 2017, an online exam A . Yes. SBI PO recruitment exam 2017 is a computer based written examination similar to IBPS bank exams. It will conducted in two stages: Preliminary exam for 100 marks (duration: 1 hour) in April May 2017 Main exam for 250 marks (descriptive test included) Your marks in preliminary exam is only for qualifying purpose amp will not be taken for final selection. Q: Suggest some online courses amp mock tests for SBI PO exams A . Many of you are looking to prepare for the SBI PO 2017 exam from home, rather than spend huge amounts of money on coaching centres. For it, you need to have all the necessary materials amp hence here are the best SBI PO online courses amp mock tests that you may buy. Click here to buy SBI PO mock tests 160 for Rs.499 160 (20 sets) from Oliveboard Q: When will i receive call letters for the exam A . SBI PO exam call letters admit cards can be downloaded from the banks website from April 15, 2017.Do not expect to receive the hall tickets by post. Apply Before Last Date: The online registration links close on March 6th amp for more details on eligibility amp selection read the detailed article on SBI PO recruitment 2017 notification If you still have anymore doubts, ask them using the form below.160 The SBI PO 2017 recruitment is one of the largest among all competitive exams as the large number of candidates appear for it every year. State Bank of India has announced 2300 vacancies to be filled this year amp inorder to crack it, you need to start preparing in advance. To all those who are looking to prepare for SBI from home, here are the top SBI PO online coaching courses, that we recommend to all aspirants. According to SBI PO recruitment 2017 notification, the written exam is to be conducted in two stages 8211 Prelims amp Mains. It has to be noted that only those candidates who clear prelims successfully by securing the necessary cutoffs in each section amp total marks will be shortlisted for main exam. SBI PO Exam Pattern The SBI PO prelims is scheduled to happen on April 29, 30 amp May 6, 7.The preliminary online test shall contain objective type questions under 3 sections: English language 8211 30 questions( 30 marks) Quantitative aptitude 8211 35 questions (35 marks) Reasoning ability 8211 35 questions (35 marks) While the prelims is for a total of 100 marks, you need to complete it within 1 hour. SBI PO Online Courses amp Mock Tests With just few weeks left for the SBI PO prelims to start, here is our selection of the cheap amp best online study materials available for you to prepare. 1) SBI PO Online Video Coaching (with full refund offer) 160 8211 To Learn They have recently launched the complete SBI PO online course for prelims amp mains ( check the course ) that details all the necessary lessons as per syllabus, through awesome videos. A total of 280 videos running for 70 hours covers all the entire SBI PO syllabus Examples are described in a detail manner for each exercise. 3 mock tests are also provided for you to try practicing. Watch the courses any number of times (unlimited validity) As an exclusive offer, candidates who purchase the course amp clear the SBI PO 2017 prelims exam will get back the course amount they paid from ChalkStreet . Yes, they are offering a 100 full refund for prelims qualifiers. We highly recommend this course because of its high quality coaching videos available at affordable price. It is worth to spend your money here than look for free materials. 2) SBI PO Online Mock Tests 8211 To Practice Ask any candidate who has successfully qualified in any competitive exam 8211 they would immediately tell that it was all due to regular PRACTICE . OliveBoard has come out with its latest SBI PO online mock tests for all those who wish to start preparations early. Some of its important features are: Attend mocks tests like in real exam with similar screen window interface. Detailed analysis of your performance is displayed after each test that indicates the time taken to answer a question, score in each section, topics to concentrate160 amp more Difficulty level of each mock test is different enabling you to prepare more tough papers. Since the SBI PO prelims exam is conducted online, practicing as many different online mock tests helps to know your strengths amp weaknesses. Hence these mock tests practice would make you fine tune your answering speed amp improve accuracy. Can I Buy Both Courses 160 YES. We strongly suggest you to buy both courses given above as each of it serves a different purpose. 1) The SBI PO video course from Chalkstreet would help you in understanding the concepts clearly, solve problems through shortcuts amp also get dedicated support from experts. 2) The 20 Mock tests from Oliveboard creates an an oppurtunity for you to practice SBI PO level questions amp learn time management skills along with your weak areas to concentrate. We advise all candidates who are serious to crack SBI PO 2017 exams to make use of both these online bank exam coaching courses. Every year, the SBI recruitment is one of the biggest competitive exam that is held to fill Probationary Officer amp Clerks. But the eligibility for SBI jobs are quite different in many ways including some new rules being introduced for applicants. One of it is related to loans amp credit card dues wherein candidates who had defaulted in repayment are ineligible to apply for clerical or PO recruitment in SBI. State Bank of India being the largest public sector bank in India is also one of the biggest employment generator in banking sector. It is the reason why every bank job aspirant in India looks forward for jobs to be announced by SBI. While the recently released SBI PO recruitment 2017 notification has increased the hopes of candidates, they are also concerned about some conditions. SBI Clerk amp PO Recruitment: 2 New Rules to Note There are certain eligibility conditions for candidates to fulfil if they wish to apply for SBI PO or SBI junior associate posts. In addition to the normal criteria, there are two new rules which many would have seen in the online application form: 1) Repayment of Loans: State Bank of India, a popular public sector bank is asking about the candidates credit history for recruitment. In their official notification, SBI says, 8220Candidates with record of default in repayment of loanscredit card dues andor against whose name, adverse report of CIBIL or other external agencies are available are not eligible for appointment.8221 It simply means - If you had taken education loan home loan vehicle loan personal loan credit card loan amp are not repaying it regularly or defaulted (missed) repayment 8211 you are not eligible to apply for these PO posts. Even if you had availed loans from any other bank amp not repaying it regularly, SBI will still not allow you to join their bank. How loan repayment affects you CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau) is the company that keeps track of every individuals repayment record of loans. This information is provided to them by banks amp other financial institutions every month. With this info, CIBIL creates a credit report amp provides scores (also called CIBIL score) for every person who availed a loan. If you are paying the EMI dues promptly without any delay, your score would increase, placing you in safe zone. Incase you are defaulting in repaying the loan regularly or has not repaid the loan credit card dues fully for a long time, your CIBIL score is lowered. A low credit score means bad credit history . No bank will offer you any loans the next time amp even if they do sanction, it would be at a much higher rate of interest. How SBI is going to use CIBIL score State Bank of India has not detailed the exact manner on how they intend to use credit score data in recruitment. But they look very serious to not allow loan defaulters to become their employees . The possibility is, SBI may verify the CIBIL scores of selected candidates before appointment as part of their background verification process, just like private banks 2) Complaint Against Your Character: This is another criteria that we are seeing in SBI recruitment for the first time. Here is the exact condition from their advt: 8220Candidates against whom there isare adverse report regarding character amp antecedents, moral turpitude are not eligible to apply for the post. It means 8211 Those who are having bad conduct character report in their name are not eligible to apply for these jobs. Any pending police case or enquiry filed on account of bad behavior would also come under this category. With increasing number of frauds reported in banks, SBI doesnt want to take any chances amp prefers to hire people with clean records only. Political Parties amp Unions Against this Rule Political leaders amp bank unions had already slammed SBI over this rule ever since the notification was published, terming the condition as 8216unconstitutional8217. C. H. Venkatachalam, general secretary of All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) told IANS, quotA fresh graduate cannot repay his education loan if he does not get a job. If organisations like SBI bar such candidates even from applying, then how can they repay their loans The condition is obnoxious amp unfair and should be changed8221. Regional parties in the state of Tamil nadu took up this issue during the recent elections amp condemned the bank for framing such rules. S. Sudhakar, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (CPI) wrote a letter to the union finance minister Arun Jaitley urging him to intervene amp scrap the condition of SBI that prevented education loan defaulters from applying for clerical recruitment. But the Union government amp State Bank of India have remained silent till now. Although there was opposition from public over this condition since last year, the SBI PO recruitment 2017 notification also restricts loan defaulters from applying Many candidates had taken educational loans but couldnt repay it on time due to unavailability of jobs. With this new rule, young unemployed graduates are going to find it tough to appear for SBI jobs amp recruitments as well. Will other banks also implement such a restriction or not will be known after the IBPS bank exams are announced. Solo Build It. Success. Real. Einfach. Build your business Today, anyone can put up a professional-looking website. Huge companies like Wix spend a ton to make you believe your site or blog is your business. Its not - not even close. The mistake most people make, is believing that the site or blog is the business. Building your site or blog is the easy part. The hard parts are 1) the planning 2) the traffic-building and 3) the monetization (converting your visitors into income). 99 of e-businesses fail at the critical hard parts. If you fail at those, your site or blog fails. If you execute them well, your online business thrives. 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Solo Build It Includes Everything You Need To Build a Business . Step-by-step video, written and mobile Action Guides help you every step of the way, leading you through the most effective online business-building process available anywhere. All the tools you need to grow your increasingly profitable e-business. From niche research to sitebuilding to monetization planning, SBI has you covered. SBI keeps you up-to-date (so you dont have to waste low-yield time doing it). Whether its major new developments or the rare golden nugget from hundreds of e-business sources that we track, weve got your back. Software updates and additions are free and automatic, too 24x7 SiteSell Support is always at your fingertips (chat, too). And get business-building assistance at the help and be helped SBI Forums. a community of like-minded solopreneurs who care. A nice forum bonus - no affiliate tries to sell you anything No plug ins or templates to buy. No other levels of service. Everything is included in Solo Build It No other purchase is necessary. WordPress user NOW you can do it using WP x2705 The ultimate Content Management System and the unmatchable Business-Building System are finally together. If you use WordPress and already know all about SBI. click here for SBI for WordPress. Keep reading to fully understand SBIs proven business-building prowess. Just starting a web business x1F3A5 Take the Video Tour. From Idea To Business Youll See How SBI Makes The Difference. Do more than learn how. Do more than merely putting up yet another site or blog that sits there. The right process, the right tools that remove all the barriers and mysteries, correctly applied at the right time. That is how you grow an online business with increasing long-term profits. That is how SBI works. To see it in action, take the 30 minute video tour. It explains everything. You will understand how and why SBI delivers what it promises. your best chance at e-business success. Fully guaranteed for 90 days. Start today risk free. For 20 years, SBI has proven to be the most effective web business building system available. Unique guidance and support, superior methodology, always up to date. Dont just build a beautiful site. Grow a thriving business. Questions Call us toll free - 1-888-987-3669. Or click here to email. Solo Build It is all of that and more to these people. Each SBI owner below has achieved life-changing goals. Click on anyone to understand how she did it, and how SBI enables you to do the same, even if the idea of growing an online business is totally new to you. Elad B Fiona Crystal Ashley Patty Steve Elads Story: Elad quit the soul-destroying cubicle to lead a life of self-fulfilled liberation. Now receiving over 2 million visitors per month, Elad has the time and money to travel the world, play professional soccer, and grow the family when he and his sister are not growing the business. Bs Story: B turned her crazy idea about a site covering the Australian Outback into an e-business that has allowed her to become happily self-employed. She writes about what she loves, and is free to roam the world with her laptop. In Bs words. Freedom is something that cant be paid for. Fionas Story: How do two Scots, Fiona and Jim, end up in warm, sun-kissed Tuscany, hobnobbing with Hollywood producers and visiting Salvatore Ferragamo SBI. Thats how. As this husband and wife team like to say. Dreams do come true, if you dare them to. And if you work to turn them into reality. Crystals Story: Crystal, a non-techie, turns her passion for cooking into a successful online business. It all started with some e-mails to friends about easy dinner ideas. Now this work-at-home mom with four teenage kids all in sports, loves how she can work whenever and wherever she wants. Richards Story: An offline entrepreneur, Richard is using his SBI site to drive sales out of this world. Richards product development went from the city dump in Ottawa, Canada to a licensing deal that will distribute his unique, patented fence post stabilizer for wooden decks throughout stores in the United States. His theme-based content site allowed him, as Richard says, to seed the market, prove the concept and create incredible buzz among the public who now go into stores demanding the product. Ashleys Story: Ashleys passion for vintage comic books has made him the superhero for people trying to assess the value of their collection, or trying to sell it at a fair price. Only four years into his business, he turns over hundreds of thousands of dollars buying and reselling comic books, earns a sizable commission from eBays partner network, and has just signed the contract for his first office space Pattys Story: Patty knew nothing about the online world except how to check emails and do Google searches when she started her website. Four years later, she had a growing coaching business and multiple secondary income streams, including her own e-books filled with various vegan cooking tips and techniques, and a weight-loss e-course. 2 years further on, her husband Jeff joined her in running their service business, which is now their main source of income. The best part It allows them to travel together while making money. Steves Story: Steve and his friend had nothing to lose. They had both been laid off after the stock market crash. They had no capital, except their own time and sweat equity. So they rolled up their sleeves and started building their two SBI businesses for cell tower landlords. In 2010 -- just two years later -- they were featured in the New York Times. A little later, as Steve puts it: things just went gangbusters. Now they are on track to achieve their first 7-figure yearly income. What common thread connects these solopreneurs (aside from their success) They came to SBI with 3 simple qualities that we call BAM . B rain: knows a lot about a niche (NO need to be brainy) A ttitude: positive, optimistic M otivation: high level of determination. NONE expected it to be EASY. SBIers Covered by Major Media The Its Easy Myth SBI empowers you to build profitable online businesses, with a uniquely high percentage of success. Our track record is a quantum leap better than whoever is 2nd best. We have 20 years of experience with solopreneurs, longer than any other company. Weve seen quick and easy techniques come and go. They always do GO, to be replaced by new, false promises. Recently, though, some of the largest hosting sitebuilding companies are advertising how easy it is. Sadly, easy wont cut it. Trust us when we say, Its NOT easy. It takes work to achieve business success. We can (and do) simplify it. Ja. We make it DO-able. yes . How We break it all down into best-practice, always up-to-date, optimally-ordered steps. You follow those steps. It works. But can SBI make biz-building easy NO ONE can - if it were easy, wed all be rich. x1F4B0 Auto-Updating x1F449 100 FOCUS, 0 FOMO Our flagship product, Solo Build It . provides the exact, step-by-step always up-to-date process that enables you to succeed, as well as the tools you need . and guidance when you need it. The process. called C T P M , has evolved over a span of 15 years. It has integrated EVERY new Internet development (ex. RSS, Web 2.0user-generated content, social media, mobile, etc). SBI has a long list of firsts, from concepts like PREselling and content marketing to Content 2.0 (the first product online to enable visitors to contribute like a mini-Facebook, except better). C2 pushed online businesses to heights never before possible. Another example is the complete re-development of a new sitebuilder, BlockBuilder 2 - a multi-year, multi-million dollar development so SBIers could better capitalize upon new trends and site-building needs that were (and are) coming. One last example, because AUTO-updating is an important advantage of SBI. When mobile started growing rapidly, theories flew about the best way to do a mobile version of ones website. Many wasted considerable time on complicated mobile solutions - even entirely separate versions of the same site. We researched and watched, resisting the hype and urgency. When Google announced that RESPONSIVE DESIGN was the optimalpreferred way to do mobile, debate ended. We took that direction (see right) , saving each SBIer weeks of wasted time. Updating is a critical part of keeping SBIers ahead of the competition. HOW we do it varies. Sometimes we lead. Sometimes we wait. Either way, we save SBIers time. They dont waste their time on. reading and keeping up on new trends and technologies wasting time by taking the wrong action (ex. building a mobile version prematurely). getting conned into incredibly convincing Get Rich Quick schemes. We could go on and on, but suffice it to say that, like any complex organism in a changing environment, the wonderfully flexible C T P M has proven to be an adaptable approach that gets stronger with each major evolutionary change. On top of that, we track hundreds of blogs, newsletters and social media so that you dont have to try to figure it all out. You get only the best info, tucked into the system for the moment you need it, keeping you distraction-free, focused 100 on BUSINESS. The Result Maximum Business Progress. We save you every second possible. TIME is every solopreneurs most precious asset, your biggest constraint. Solo Build It enables you to pour it all into what matters most (your business). Not into reading to keep up. Not following bad advice. Not wasting money on bad products. The evergreen, yet ever-evolvingupdating, combination of process tools keeps SBI solopreneurs (SBIers) ahead of the pack . moving you ahead as time-and-dollar-efficiently as possible. In a fast-moving Internet where you cant afford to miss something or make a wrong choice (FOMO), eliminating that anxiety is huge. Putting 100 of your time into growing your business, confident that we have your back, is one of the most important things that we do for SBIers . The solopreneur rate of success is dismally low. SBIs objectively proven track record speaks for itself. Focus Your Time on Your Business Finally, SBI Brings Business-Building Success to WordPress Wrapping It Up. How Do You Know If SBI Is Right For YOU . We all love Its Easy stories. We want to believe that easy success is possible. Thats why lotteries are so successful - you, too, can Get Rich Quick. Large companies now pitch slick ads to the mass market that making money online is easy. They grow huge by selling dreams - there are millions of Wix sites . Most people are quick to jump on whats easy. No need to make the sacrifices that hard work requires - especially when hashtags tell them ItsThatEasy. On the other hand, there are only thousands of SBIers. The re-discovery that business - building requires work quickly weeds out 99. Heck, most visitors to this web page arent even with us by now, still reading along. If you got this far, you may be perfect for SBI. x1F44D x1F44D The immutable laws of business state that it can never be that easy to build a profitable business. It may be for football legends such as Brett Favre (see video). It doesnt work out that way for the rest of us. (And Favres site doesnt exist - just sayin) Even if large companies claim that building profitable online businesses IsThatEasy, its not. If it was, wed all be as wealthy as Brett Favre So if you believe that building a profitable online business, one with real equity in it, can be easy, please stop reading now. That is not what we offer. Just to be clear. SBI helps you build profitable Web businesses . NOT just web sites or blogs (which are just one piece of the bigger online business jigsaw puzzle). Yes, any primate can put up a website nowadays. But a websites not a business. It just sits there. It does NOT generate income or equity. It takes one heck of a lot more to build a profitable online business. A teeny fraction of solopreneur-built SITES become successful BUSINESSES . This results page and various studies show that SBI businesses succeed 100 times more often than average, and at higher income levels. Yes, really. 100. Putting It Bluntly. Its NOT that easy, not if it refers to building an online BUSINESS that brings you life-changing goals. Even though we have condensed and simplified SBI into an all-in-one product, building a business takes work. If you are serious about building an online business, youve come to the right place. There is no proven - better way to do it. But if you just want to build a site or blog . you dont need SBI for that. Anyone can do that, using any product. 100 will finish with a site, no matter where you go (does not matter - Wix, Yola, WordPress, GoDaddy, etc.). But a site is no more an online business than an empty office or storefront is an offline one. Theres a heck of a lot more work to be done. The large companies dont include the information, process, tools, community that you need to convert a site into a profitable business . Not to mention that building a site first is out-of-order. The proper steps in the right order will either . save your business idea, preventing outright failure, or. at a minimum, make a substantial difference to your profitability. Some companies throw in some tools and articles with their hosting and sitebuilding. Its not the all-in-one, committed-to-your-success, up-to-date business-building system that you need to grow a profitable web-based business . Online business has an obvious goal. Only SBI provides detailed proof of delivering on that goal. Isnt that what its all about If you have not already watched the x1F3A5 SBI Video Tour . please click here. It explains everything about how SBI builds businesses. What Is Special About SBIers SBIers are The Anti - GetRichQuick. They know that building a real business that lasts is not about getting a site or blog up, cheap-quick-amp-easy. Nor is it about chasing short-term dollars with the hot trend of the day. SBIers are a rather elite group, both in terms of having what it takes and in the results they get. They are also flat-out nice people. This web page and site are longgggggg. Heck, its almost a test If you are still here with us, youll do great with SBI because you already have the anchor leg of BAM . Whats BAM Its an acronym for the 3 personal traits that are needed to drive any business to meet your life goals. Some would-be solopreneurs dont think they know any particular niche well enough to build a business around it. SBI even has has a tool for that It helps find and develop niches that are perfect for you. Is Building an Online Business Right For You Its not for everyone. There are both upsides and downsides, pain for gain. It sounds great, but are you willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to find the time See how to start an online business. Its a balanced, realistic, no-hype look at what life as a solopreneur is like. We only want you to become an SBI member if its right for you. Otherwise, you wont last - whats the point in that B rain: you know a lot about a niche (no need to be brainy). A ttitude: positive, optimistic, you know that ups follow downs and vice-versa M otivation: high level of determination, able to focus and get it done. BAM by itself is not enough - most folks need SBI to release all their raw potential. Nor is SBI sufficient - if you dont have the motivation to get this far, for example, youre less likely to succeed with SBI. The combination, BAM SBI , is what deservingly sets SBIers apart. SBIers focus upon building genuine businesses . ones that deliver evergrowing profits and freedom for the rest of their lives. Who are they . Some are total newbies. Others are experienced Net marketers (but who have yet to succeed -- web-savviness contributes little to success). Some are starting a brand new e-business. Others are trying to fix an existing one . Some are local business owners. Others go global, selling ads, services, e-books and even their own products around the world. Whatever the nature of their business and level of Net-savviness, they succeed. They do it without spending thousands of dollars on add-on tools, must-have subscriptions, designers, Webmasters and Search Engine experts. They own their sites, their businesses, and their lives. What else is different about SBI owners SBI owners apply BAM to Work Smarter and Harder to achieve business success leading to meaningful personal freedom. While similar in that regard, they are diverse in so many ways. geographically - from all over the globe business type - every kind of business is represented (home businesses of all kinds, offline services, infopreneurs, e-tail, etc . niche selection - a cornucopia of niches is dominated by SBI owners. This wide array of countries, businesses and niches come together at the worlds most constructive small business meeting place, the private SBI Forums. More on The Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion below. We live in an age of I want it all now. Most folks prefer to believe maybe it really is that easy. SBIers know what it takes. Our small SBI community is a special one. realistic, ready, motivated and focused on winning. If you have the discipline of impulse gratification and the determination to truly build a profitable online business. Go into business with eyes wide open 128515. Personal Message From Ken Evoy, Founder Of SiteSell Despite having the best (the only) BUSINESS-building product of its kind for solopreneurs, you and I have a problem. And its the same problem. Hier ist es. Even though nothing comes close to SBIs rate and level of success and even though it costs less than 1 per day, the chances are that you will end up somewhere else. There is even an amazing thread in the SBI Forums called The Long and Winding Road. SBIers explain how it has sometimes taken YEARs to finally try SBI. Heres a typical SBIer post. I, too, tried almost everything else first I have been pulled into. whatever the hot, trendy program is at the time (the one highly recommended by gurus all at once), the so-expensive-it-must-be-great, the so-cheap-theres-nothing-to-lose and even an irresistible GRQ (really, it sounded fantastic x1F622) sitebuilders. The income never did come rolling in once my site was up. WordPress, GoDaddy, Yola, 11, Wix, you name it Same story. Somehow, I bought into all of them. I cant explain it. All I got was confused. Then I happened across SBI again. This time I understood why a site is not a business. Once I started SBI. it only took me a few days to realize that this was IT You can feel the difference. Its solid. It makes sense. I know what Im doing and why. So why did it take me so long to realize that SiteSell meant every word on its site Why didnt I save 2 and-a-half years and just try it, like they say No idea. But Im here nowx1F4AA It used to drive us nuts. Its bad for you . At best, you lose a lot of time. At worst, you may give up on the whole idea of building an online business. And its bad for us for the same reasons. If you have BAM, wed love to see you thrive. Some do find us and buy into our message right away. They get it, try it and most love it. It its not right for someone, we refund promptly. Mostly, though, the duration to purchase is still a wildly long and winding road. I explain here in the hope that you. Proud to be Boring Our promise is that if you focus and work on SBI. your chance of ( and your level of) success are way above anything else . Boring - but true. Meanwhile, there are 3 types of noise that will mislead you onto that long and winding road. 1) Many are fooled by Get Rich Quick. The sales copy is fiendishly brilliant, convincing you that this is different. Its not. You end up disillusioned that its all a scam. 2) A recent variation features nationally advertised products that promise its easy (ex. Wix) . The money does not come rolling in. This is more serious than the GRQ operators because major companies have never made this type of promise. You are, therefore, more likely to give up on the whole thing before even trying SBI. New for WordPress users We started SBI for WordPress for this reason. WP is excellent, versatile sitebuilderblogging software. You can now use SBI with WordPress to generate the same high success rates that SBI owners achieve. Try it for free today . 3) Many get temporarily sidetracked by urban myths about SBI. Others are misled by malicious Site Build It scam and fake negative-reviews campaigns that are orchestrated by the unscrupulous with their own agendas. Our 20 year history of success breeds, by its very longevity, ideas about SBI that are incorrect. No maliciousness intended, theyre wrong or 10 years out-of-date. See Urban Myths . On the other hand, unscrupulous affiliates have switched allegiance due to higher payouts from Web hosts. Great SBI reviews turned mediocre for the dollar, not for your best interest (). And sadly, some folks are downright malicious. We are protective of the quality and atmosphere in the Forums. So we fire those folks who insist on trolling (causing fights), despite our polite requests followed by warnings. Unfortunately, once fired, these are also the type who must get in the last (nasty) word. The malicious have banded together to spread lies and disinformation online. Debate brings a swarm of flames, so we issued an official reply page . We invite them to reply there. They have chosen not to. How To Figure It Out Fast Heres how to straighten out the long and winding road. Cut To The Chase Take a simple, fool-proof, logical shortcut. If youre ready to make it happen, cut out all the noise and look at 2 facts. No other company provides proof of success of unmatched rates and levels of success. Ask yourself why you have never seen such verifiable, documented proof elsewhere. It can only be because no other company can honestly do so. The 90 Day Money-Back Confidence of Success Guarantee. Take advantage of it to turn your purchase into a 90-day free trial . Building income and equity is the bottom line that no one else proves. The results of the free trial are your opinion. And that is the only evaluation that matters Whats the worst that can happen You will learn a lot, for free. So ignore the noise. Just get started. x1F680 Dig Deeper No other company takes as much time to document its product. Digging into our site will also save you time (compared to making the wrong choice) if thats your preferred route. Understand how the 1) powerful process. the 2) uniquely complete set of tools. the 3) worlds best set of forums and our 4) constant keeping-up-to-date (so you dont have to), all mesh-as-one to deliver success that nothing else, no product or company, even approaches. Dont miss key pages such as this explanation of Content 2.0 which leapfrogs SBI beyond blogging. Take 30 minutes to watch this video tour that shows you exactly what SBI does, and how and why it works. Continue reading the rest of this page (below). Consume even more information on SBI here and then explore the parts of the SiteSell Sitemap that are relevant to you. It is a lot of research. But everything you need is on this site. Your future business is worth the patient investment of time. But I recommend taking the risk-free trial now. It gets you started while you continue to decide (hands-on research). One last thing. If you have any questions, ask a SiteSell Advisor . Wishing you the success you deserve on your journey . Ken Evoy Founder, SiteSell The Bottom Line You Really Got This Far What Is the Significance of Top 1 SBI sites work . They succeed at a high level. Top 1 of all sites on the Internet Most importantly, they become profitable businesses . UPDATE 2016: As time passes, SBI sites have improved from Top 3 to Top 1 to Top 0.5 of the most highly trafficked sites. However, a new and ongoing study took a different approach than our earlier one. We recently did a complex study searching for high-traffic solopreneurs. SBI excelled, contributing at a rate that was 100 times greater than average. Sad conclusion . Given that solopreneurs make up the majority of the 170 million active sites, the odds of attaining true success are remote. The make moneyhow to and sitebuilderhosting industries surely makes more money than the tens of millions of solopreneurs who are trying. Since traffic is the root of all income (try monetizing without it), it is on more reason why we can say that SBI builds profitable businesses at rates and levels of success that far exceed anything else. Happy conclusion . SBI makes online success DO-able Everything You Need to Succeed. Nothing Less Will Do It takes quite an ensemble to make a product that can deliver on the incredible challenge of enabling solopreneurs to build profitable online businesses. Only SBI provides. a natural, powerful process all the tools necessary to execute the process comprehensive business-building support and help. 24x7, friendly and fast SiteSell Tech Support the unmatchable SBI Forums - where thousands of like-minded and positive people gather to help and be helped, the worlds most constructive small business meeting place constant updating of. the process (ex. how to use visual blockades to monetize your social accounts, staying on top of high rankings at Google, how to use personal-social to grow your business) whats new (we track hundreds of Net marketingsmall e-biz feeds and newsletters and boil all that noise down to the occasional key nugget you need). Nothing stays the same online. SBIs unique C T P M process evolves with the Web, keeping you ahead of the crowd. frequent automatic upgrading of SBIs process and the SBI tools (no need to do your own upgrades, plug-ins, etc.). ex. Socialize It - SBI evolves to progressively socialize your business in a way that makes the best use of your limited time. Right steps, at the right time. ex. Priority Build It lets you tell Google which pages are more important, speaking of which. Click here for more information on Brainstorm It v3, free with SBI. ex. Brainstorm It V3 is the worlds first smart brainstorming, niche-picking and keyword-researching tool (see right). More innovation is coming. Automated smart tasks can uncover may more opportunities that manual digging into mountains of data BI is about to become your ongoing partner, notifying you (via your choice of email, text, browser) of content opportunities, monetization suggestions, etc. The most amazing part is that you dont do a thing. Upgrades, updates, improvements. they all come to you automatically. It all works together - nothing breaks with an upgrade. And its all for free. Only SBI delivers Process, Tools, Updating and Total HelpSupport. How do you know it works Investigate the verifiable, documented, and objective proof of success . No other service or software proves success. Does Business on the Web Seem Like One Big, Un beatable Mystery Many SBIers started with the same feeling, with zero-knowledge. SBI breaks it down, step-by-step. SBI is perfect for. those without any e-business or Net-marketing experience. the savvy-but-yet-to-succeed. SBI corrects bad habits and refocuses on build a business, keeping you on the straight and narrow to serious, long-term goals. Click here. The SBI Video Tour explains everything . Forks In The Head Many savvy-but-yet-to-succeed marketers have learned much over several years. But nearly everyone takes at least 1 of the 4 most common wrong forks in the road, costing time and money (and headaches). If you are new to online business-building, this section can save you a fork (or 2) in the head. If youre a veteran, reading this may help you dislodge them. SBI vs. Everything Else Take a Moment And Experience Regular Hosting Visualize yourself in an impersonal place where you get cheap hosting (100 per year), a domain (10 per year) and software (a sitebuilder or WordPress) to build a site or blog. You dont know it yet, but you wont get many visitors because. Major schools like the University of Arizona offer SBI. Why no one guides you through the proper process no one helps you avoid the land mines, and you lack the right tools to actually build a business. handle all kinds of technical aspects find and pay for your own business-building software tools (which ones, where, how) figure out all the conflicting advice from all the gurus avoid the siren call of the sales pitches from so many gurus for an endless number of tools, some good-but-expensive, most poor, and some actually harmful keep up with all the fast-changing developments in the e-business world. And thats not the half of it. It can be paralyzing. Now Take A Moment and Experience SBI SBI activates and motivates. No paralysis here. SBI does it all for you so you focus on what moves you ahead . building your business. You are not a number. We care about your success. Your success is our business. We pave the road for you, removing all the obstacles. Follow a natural, powerful process. Use the tools (they are all included) to execute the process. No need to keep up - SBI does it for you Get 24 x 7 help and business-building support, simply the best. Focus on building your e-business. Period. Heres The Whole Story. Stack the odds in your favor Build a business with both substantial income and genuine equity (real value ifwhen you sell your business). SBI is so much more than a Web site or blog. Build more than a site. Heck, build more than a business Build your personal and familys freedom and independence. We know its hard to believe - so many companies OVER-promise. So Just Try It totally risk-free . Youll see that SBI truly OVER-delivers. We guarantee it Click Here To Order and Start Today, Risk-Free. SiteSell Intellectual Rights All SiteSell websites (text, swoosh, graphics, programming and scripting) and products are copyright 1999-2017 SiteSell Inc. SiteSell, SBI for WP, Brainstorm It. Make Your Site Sell. MYSS. Make Your Knowledge Sell MYKS. Make Your Price Sell. MYPS. Make Your Words Sell. MYWS. Site Build It. Solo Build It. SBI. SBI 2.0, SBI 3.0, BlockBuilder 2, BB2, Make Your Net Auction Sell. MYNAS. Make Your Content PREsell. MYCPS. Make Your Links Work. MYLW. 5 Pillar Affiliate Program, SiteSell Affiliate Program, SiteSell Professionals, SiteSell Services, SBI Coaching, and SiteSell Education are trademarks or trade names of SiteSell Inc. All rights reserved. SiteSell Privacy Statement We do not share your private personal information (ex. name, email address, street address, and phone number) with any other organizations or individuals. We keep all such information you provide to us, no matter how or why you provide it (ex. becoming an affiliate, ordering our products, etc.) completely confidential, and use it only for the purpose that you intended. Only those employees with relevant business duties (ex. support staff) may access your private personal information, and only to perform their duties. They are subject to dismissal for any privacy violation. We never provide any such information about our subscribers, customers or affiliates to any third party, except in the unusual event should we be required to do so by law. We use third parties like web analytics and advertising companies (e. g. Google Analytics, AdRoll) to measure conversions and collect demographic and interest information. As you browse SiteSell, these third parties may place or recognize cookies on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags and web beacons) to track how you use our website and to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. We do not tie the cookie to any personal information that you provide us. Your visit to SiteSell is entirely private and anonymous. If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you interest-based ads, you may opt out by going to aboutads. infochoices . In addition, you can enable the so-called quotDo Not Trackquot functionality in your browser, which is a standardized way to opt out of tracking by participating analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms. To learn how to enable quotDo Not Trackquot in your browser, please go to donottrack. us . Finally, if you do not wish your data to be collected via Google Analytics, you may use their opt-out tool . The 90 Day Confidence of Success Guarantee: Try SBI First, Make Your Final Decision Later No product is perfect for everyone. I only want you to own SBI if it is right for you. You likely feel the same. If youre like me, you tend to delay important decisions because you are not 100 sure. Have you noticed how you only truly become 100 sure after you purchase and use a product At SiteSell, we not only recognize this, we encourage it . We want you to take full advantage of the 90 Day Guarantee Use it as your free Confidence of Success trial. Purchase SBI and make a final decision after putting it to the test. If you decide its not for you, simply tell us. We Will Refund You IMMEDIATELY No strings. Better, actually. You can keep the domain name that you register at our expense. Its our thank you for permitting us to introduce SBI to you. No time limits on the annual subscription Ask for your money back any time. SiteSell will refund you 100 within the first 90 days of purchase of your annual subscription, and on a pro-rata basis after that. What about the monthly subscription Ask for your money back within the first 90 days of your initial monthly purchase. SiteSell will refund you 100 (up to 3 months). There is Literally ZERO Fine Print No ifs, ands or buts. There is no fine print. You can be 100 absolutely, positively sure that we will honor this guarantee . Since 1997, SiteSell has built a rock-solid reputation of honesty, quality and service . We work with individuals of all ages ( over 30,000 customers ), institutes of higher learning, existing businesses of all sizes and vendors who all know that we mean every word we say . This guarantee is no exception. If you ever feel that we havent lived up to this our promise and guarantee, report it to us on the SiteSell Facebook page in front of our hundreds of thousands of fans and happy customers. The Bottom Line Try SBI for 90 days . If it isnt right for you, let us know. We will immediately honor your refund request . no questions asked. Auto-Updating The Internet changes fasssst. Most changes are not relevant to doing business online, but many bloggers are quick to comment and to recommend changes. The noise is intense and it can cost you a lot of mis-spent time, and not just by trying to read it all. You can lose a ton of time when you follow poor or premature recommendations (especially if they turn out to hurt your business). Major new developments We are as proud of being followers (when watchful waiting is the wise course) as we are to be first-to-market when we are 100 sure that something new is both important and will stick (ex. first to update our site-building software to automatically create sitemap files). Well provide a few more examples when you close this message, but the bottom line is this. SBIs driving mission is to enable you to succeed. It starts with the perfect all-in-one processtoolsguidancehelp BUSINESS-building solution. Its effectiveness is multiplied by enabling you to focus 100 of your time on your business, period. In practical terms. Process: You dont have to read the ton of new information on search, social, mobile, etc. We do that. We incorporate both the big changes and the occasional golden nugget, when we know that theyll stick. Tools: You never have to update a plug-in. Software updates just happen and everything works. New tools are added, once again on an as needed basis, at no extra cost, nothing for you to do. Guidance: Forum answers are reviewed. Bad information is red-inked as being advice not to follow. We dont censor opinion, but we do let you know when we believe advice is counter-productive. Well also provide the correct course of action if someone else does not. In short, auto-updating delivers 100 business-focused efficiency . SBI saves you hundreds of hours per year, time that you put into your business Doing it RIGHT and staying FOCUSED is why SBIers succeed way more often than other solopreneurs. Top 1-3 Traffic Building Results SBI sites work. They succeed. Top 1 to Top 3. They become profitable businesses. 1,000 randomly selected SBI sites were studied. At the time, there were over 56 million sites on the Web. The total number of active sites (have content, pay for hosting and have their own domains) is now stable at 170 million All statistics are according to Netcraft . a leading Net demographic firm, and according to Alexa . the leading traffic-measurement company. Netcraft tracks the Web hosting industry intensively. Alexa is owned by Amazon and is powered by Microsoft -- it measures traffic popularity based on 10 million surfers. Summary of Results As the years go by, as the number of sites grows (now over 100 million), the natural and powerful process-and-tools of SBI gets stronger. Each time this study is conducted, SBI owners rank higher against other sites despite the increased competition from far more Web sites. Today, a greater percentage than ever of SBI sites make it into the Top 0.5 of all active sites in the world (i. e. Top 1 in 200) In other words, as the Web gets more complex and competitive, SBI enabled solopreneurs, the largest segment of online business, to do significantly better than their online colleagues. IMPORTANT . We are NOT saying that the ONLY way for a solopreneur to succeed is by using SBI. People do succeed without it, obviously. But if you have the right attitude and are determined to succeed, your chances of significant success are much higher with SBI. The SBI Forums SBI owners from a wide variety of countries, businesses and niches come together at the worlds most constructive small business meeting place, the private SBI Forums. Thousands of like-minded and positive people gather to help and be helped at over 60 forums. The forums cover every conceivable business-building subject. No question is too trivial nor too advanced. Someone always answers at this single-best small business resource in the world. No nonsense, no gossip, no flames. Sheer progress. High spirits. The forums truly are. The Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion Online Biz Failing Fix It Or Drop It The statistics on solopreneur success are dismal. SBI increases your chances of success by more than 100-fold The biggest dilemma of the failing solopreneur is figuring out whether to give up or not. No one wants to quit too soon. And no one wants to spend good time after bad. Its a tough problem. Here is the perfect solution. Use SBI. Start from the very beginning of the process. Pretend to start over. Follow our Action Guide and use the tools to the 5th of 10 steps . You will be sure of which road to take. x1F6AB Flawless research with objective tools uncover fundamental errors that are either not fixable, or not worth fixing. This is almost always due to inadequate upfront preparation and research. Start over, this time using SBI. x2705 You find fixable problems with your online business. Work your way through the rest of the Action Guide, making changes as needed. Your fortunes will turn. Bottom Line: If your online business is failing, either close this window and keep reading about SBI. or try SBI now, risk-free (or, if you use WordPress, read more about SBI for WP ). Acronym for FEAR OF MISSING OUT A state of mental or emotional strain caused by the fear of missing out. An omnipresent anxiety brought on by our cognitive ability to recognize potential opportunities. A form of social anxiety - a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity, often aroused by posts seen on social media websites.

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